I attendet our large railroad exhibition at Cologne from 11/17 to 11/20 along with the NMRA European Region A.s.b.l.
Beside some real good chat with visitors I was able to show some of my weathering work live at the show.
Here is a little pictoral of the event :
Our booth at the show. Besides my microlayout and workshop we had two more layouts on board. Alain Kap, MMR – “R.I.P. Car Shop” and Pit Karges – “First snow on the Highline”.
My micro-layout more pictures can be found here.
Some of my recent art?-work in a secured display.
Done during Day #2 at the show. Arkansas & Missouri Boxcar after decent proto flick. On the right half of car #1
I finished off three cars during the show.
Thank you all who came for a visit to the booth